Organic Prospects is Huge Right Now – But Does it Live up to the Hype?

OP Review Image

The internet is littered with systems and programs designed to help your business, yet very few actually deliver on what they promise. I have been burned on more than one occasion, and have lost thousands of dollars in the process. Over the years, I have found one or two that actually deliver the goods, and I am constantly on the lookout for others that might well prove to be just as effective. It is my losses in the past that help make me the perfect person to review any new program. I go into everything with a healthy dose of skepticism, and will not declare any program a viable option until it has been proven to me that it actually does what it says it will do.

The first thing I do is look at the sales pages of these programs, as there are usually some major red flags to be found there. The ones that promise countless wealth by doing nothing are the ones that immediately go in my virtual trash can. Programs have to pass the smell test first, and if they can do that, I will give them a much closer look. That is what I did with Organic Prospects, which was introduced to me by someone on an affiliate marketing forum, whom I trust implicitly. I have had no reason to question anything this person has told me in the past, as his information was reliable. That said, Organic Prospects was not about to bypass my stringent testing methods on the say so of just one person.

The first thing I did, before I even went to the website, was to look for other reviews and comments about Organic Prospects. I am not going to tell you that they were all 100% in the positive, but the vast majority had kind things to say about the program. This is where I have to issue a little word of warning to all of you. If you are looking for a program that is nothing but glowing reviews, you are not going to find it. There are some folks who simply didn’t get what they had hoped for out of the program, while others will write a scathing review, simply because they are promoting a different program that does something similar. View positive and negative reviews with an open mind and a bit of skepticism, and just look for which side get the majority vote.

Once I had decided that this program may well be worth taking a look at, I went to the main website to see what was on offer there. The site is very well laid out, and delivers the benefits of the program in a way that is clear and very easy to understand. There were a number of great testimonials on there, complete with the links to the site of the person leaving the comments. This made their feedback easy to verify, which is always positive in my book. I also liked that there were no wild claims of potential earnings anywhere to be found. There were also no pictures of fast cars, mansions, and hot women in scantily clad bikinis, which is often the sales pitched used by unscrupulous programs. It was just the facts about the program, and a little bit about the owners of the site, which to me, is also another positive sign.


After a look around, I decided to sign up, but let me take a moment to tell you about the factors that led to me getting my credit card out and becoming a member:

Cost – While I was not necessarily a big fan of the one-time processing fee, I felt that it was a relatively small price to pay for a program that only cost $29.95 per month. I have seen, and been part of, similar lead generation programs that cost two and three times as much as what Organic Prospects was charging.

Lead Generation Process – Each member gets 70 fresh, unique leads per day, but it is how OP finds those leads that I found to be particularly great. I have been using social media sites to find leads for as long as I can remember, so I was impressed to learn that Organic Prospects scours 15 different social media sites to find their leads. They then use a 4-step process to discover people who have a genuine interest in what you are offering. The tire kickers are sent to the scrap heap if their ranking number is less than 75%. I know how frustrating and time-consuming it can be to deal with window shoppers, so this process really jumped out.

Organic Mailer – I loved the idea of getting 70 fresh leads, complete with all sorts of valuable information, on a daily basis, but I was not thrilled with the idea of having to copy that info over to a third-party autoresponder or mailing list. It turns out that there is no need to do any of that, as OP provides its members with an in-house Organic mailer that does the job in a heartbeat. All you need to do is get your list, add them to the mailer, compose your message, and then send it off. This struck me as a fantastic way to save time that could best be served focusing on other parts of my business.

Affiliate Program – I tend not to be too interested in affiliate programs offered by the products I use, as my focus is all on my business and the products and services that I am trying to deliver. The Organic Prospects affiliate program was a good deal different, though, as it offered a value proposition that was almost impossible to ignore. All you have to do is a get a single person to sign up in order to have your daily leads doubled to 140. That means an extra 2000+ prospects per month, which is simply too big a number to be ignored. The beauty of this program is that you only need that single referral to make it insanely valuable.

There were other features of the program that jumped off the page at me, but it was the ones mentioned above that really made me want to invest.


Does Organic Prospects Deliver As Promised?

The answer here is yes and no, but the negative part is all down to what you do with the service provided by OP. We will get to that towards the end of this review, but first let’s take a look at what I received after joining, and how it worked for me.

I have a specific niche that I focus on, with a number of different products that I promote included in the mix. I also have a blog that I use to get sign-ups for my weekly newsletter. I am aware that not everyone buys right away from someone they don’t know, which is why I put the blog into action. I love writing content, so it’s a natural step for me. The Organic Mailer allows you to send a single message per 24 hour period, so I chose 7 different products to promote within my niche, one for each day, with the link to my blog also included in each ad.

One of the great things about the Organic Mailer is that it allows you to view clicks stats and other important information. What it showed was that my e-mails were being viewed by an average of over 20% of the recipients on a daily basis. The click-thru rate was astounding at 12%, with my personal sales and sign-up rate at around the 4-5% mark. I very easily made back my investment over the first 4 days, which allowed me the chance to tweak the ads that were not performing as well as the others. I realized that what Organic Prospects does is deliver the tools that you need to succeed, but that you also have to put in the effort to make it all actually work. This is where the word of warning comes into play.

Success Also Depends on Effort

What I have learned in my time with Organic Prospects is that the leads they deliver are indeed interested in buying. That said, I am also aware that the content that I deliver via the Organic Mailer is also crucial to my success. Simply blasting out an affiliate link to your prospects is not going to get you any sales or sign-ups. You have to have a solid product or affiliate program that will sell, and you have to make changes to the copy in order to keep making sure that your results get better and better.

If you have been in affiliate marketing for a while, and know how to craft a great e-mail, I have no doubt that the program will deliver excellent results. If, on the other hand, you believe that you can make a killing using OP without delivering some sort of value proposition, you might not get what you want out of this program.


P.S. Please be sure to read the reviews or leave a review if you have any experience with Organic Prospects!

Bryan Clarkson

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